April is sexual abuse awareness month so I wanted to take this opportunity to talk to parents about how to communicate this issue with your children and how to help take preventative precautions. This can be a challenging topic to bring up, but crucial to have these conversations with our children.

  1. Talk to your child about their bodies and boundaries: Begin this at a young age and teach your child proper terms for genitals, and that it is never okay for anyone to touch them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. Explain that their body is THEIR OWN and that have the right to say no to any type of touch that feels wrong.

  2. Teach your kids about safe touches and unsafe touches: Explain to them that is is not okay for anyone to touch their private parts except for trusted caregivers in certain situations such as diaper changes or necessary medical exams. Teach them to speak up if someone makes them feel uncomfortable.

  3. Keep open communication: Encourage them to come to you with any questions or concerns that ever arise and that you are there to listen to them no matter what.

  4. Be cognizant of signs of sexual abuse in your child: common signs include fear of certain people or places, refusal to participate in activities once enjoyed, wetting the bed, and sudden changes of behavior.

By having these conversations with our children, we can help prevent this horrific crime from happening. For more support on this issue visit:



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