Filling Up Your Own Cup

β€œYou cannot pour from an empty cup” is something I’ve heard time and time again. It’s so true. We can only offer others, what we ourselves have. Taking good care of our children, starts with taking good care of ourselves.

If we don’t take care of ourselves, we won’t last long helping others. So what are you doing this year to intentionally fill up your own cup?

I think we know the importance of this, but sometimes we feel as if we are being selfish or feel guilty for taking time to care for ourselves.

Somewhere along the way, we learned a worn out, burnt out, frustrated parent is a good one. It is actually a sign you’re cup isn’t being filled back up.

Failing to take care of ourselves only hurts us in the long run, both physically and mentally. Not only does it hurt us, it hurts those around us. When we fill our own cup back up we can give to others out of a place of abundance, not lack.

Here are a few of the ways I have found to help me fill up my own cup β˜•οΈ

1. Going on a walk outside

2. Filling up spiritually whether it is going to church, meditation, reading..

3. Taking breaks from Social media and other communication apps

4. Talking to my counselor or mentor on a regular basis.

5. Alone time- A lot of social time drains me, and having some time alone fuels me back up

6. Reading.

7. Honoring my limits- As a mom with two active kids in sports and school (And now a new baby) I cannot be everywhere all the time. I LOVE watching my children at their activities. But sometimes my husband and I β€œdivide and conquer” (I’m blessed to be able to do this, I know not every parent has that option). This for us, has felt more balanced.

9. Family time- Just the 5 of us, maybe it’s a movie night, game night, family trip.

10. Regular exercise- whether it’s going on a walk, CrossFit class, a yoga class, or hiking πŸ” (yayy now that I live in AZ) these are my go to’s.

Everyone is different, and how one person fills their cup back up is different from the next. So it’s important we take some time to find out what works for us! ☺️


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